Feeling Good

Why Reflection Matters Before Setting New Goals

It’s tempting to dive straight into New Year’s resolutions, but have you ever paused to ask if they truly align with what you value? A lot of times we simply recycle previous years unfulfilled resolutions and don’t question if part of the reason that we didn’t achieve them is actually because they’re not that important AND/OR we can’t tie our values TO the goals themselves. It’s the super important step that so many leap right over.

Instead of focusing on “what” you want to achieve, begin by asking yourself how you want to feel and why. For example, if you want to feel more energized, your goal might actually be prioritizing consistent movement, better sleep, or less time on your phone (scrolling crap that doesn’t even matter)—instead of hitting a random fitness or weight-based milestone.

When we work together, one of the first things we do together is a values-based exercise. Why?

Did you know? In 2023 I completed a Habits & Mindset Coaching Training with Robyn Conley Downs of The Feel Good Effect. This training provided some excellent resources to offer clients alongside my own teachings.

 1️⃣ Values Provide Direction 🚦

Think of your values as your internal compass. Without them, it’s easy to get lost in the noise of “shoulds” and get pulled in some direction without even knowing it. Society often tells us to chase external milestones—but if those goals don’t align with what you truly care about, they can feel hollow.

Example: If health is a core value for you, a resolution to “move more because it makes me feel good” is far more meaningful than “go to the gym 5x a week.”

2️⃣ Values Keep You Motivated 🔥

We’ve all been there—we’re motivated for the first few weeks, only to abandon our goals by the end of January. When resolutions align with your values, they tap into a deeper “why,” which sustains motivation even when the initial excitement fades. And it will fade.

3️⃣ Values Reduce Comparison Anxiety 🚫

If you have ever felt like everyone around you is crushing their goals, and you’re falling behind, you’ve probably got lost in the trap of comparison. When your resolutions are rooted in YOUR unique values, you stop worrying about what others are doing. Instead, you focus on your journey.

How to Discover Your Core Values

If you’re not sure what your core values are, here are a few questions to reflect upon to start tapping into your values:

  • What does it mean to care for your body in a way that honors your needs and goals?

  • Who or what inspires you to live a healthier, more balanced life?

  • What do you believe your body needs most right now—rest, nourishment, movement, or care?

  • What does “healthy aging” mean to you? How do you want to feel in 5, 10, or 20 years?

  • What are you willing to do (or not do) to prioritize your health and well-being long-term?

  • How can taking care of your health help you show up more fully in other areas of your life?

Aligning Your Resolutions With Your Values

Once you’ve identified your values, ask yourself:

  • Does this resolution reflect my values?

  • Will achieving this make me feel closer to my ideal self?

  • Is this goal realistic and aligned with my lifestyle?

Final Thought: Progress Over Perfection

Remember, aligning goals with your values doesn’t mean you’ll be perfect at sticking to them (spoiler: nobody is!). What it does mean is that you’ll feel more connected to your intentions, which makes it easier to pick yourself back up when life happens.

 These are a few suggestions to get you going, but there’s no replacement for a coach like me who will keep the conversation going, and hold you accountable.

So how do YOU want to feel next year? What values will guide YOUER 2025 resolutions? Share below—I’d love to hear!



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