Fancy Distractions from What Actually Works
How much are distractions keeping YOU from focusing on the foundations that will ACTUALLY move the needle?
Squirrel! Squirrel!
There’s SO much noise—fad diets, quick fixes, detoxes and trendy “superfoods” that promise the world but don’t deliver lasting results. We are so tempted by the latest fad to get us out of doing the simple (but not always easy), boring work that needs to be done in order to be successful with weight loss and building healthy bodies.
On a side-note, I think Ozempic has shown us that even a “magic pill” is only helpful long-term for the people who use it ALONGSIDE working on developing healthy habits, helpful skills and management of their mindset. Because what happens when you stop using it?
I get that food, eating, and nutrition are pretty charged topics. To explain this concept of the necessity of good foundations, let’s look at a couple of examples that are less charged but just as relevant:
The House Analogy:
Imagine you want to build your dream home. You have a vision—a beautiful, cozy space with an open kitchen, big windows, and a wraparound porch. Sounds lovely, right? But instead of starting with laying a solid foundation, you spend all your time picking out paint colors and fancy light fixtures. Without a foundation, you’re just wasting your time focused on the details that need to come MUCH later.
Running a Marathon Analogy:
Now imagine that you have never run a day in your life (if we don’t count the times your dog dashed for a squirrel, and you lost the leash, or your kids insisted on catching up with the ice cream truck a block away). Let’s say that you come up with a goal to train to run a marathon...or maybe even a half marathon. Well if you don’t start with a solid base of running endurance and fitness, there are no high-tech running shoes, goo’s or performance supplements will ever make you race-ready.
Nutrition works exactly the same way—if you don’t have a solid routine, all the fancy strategies won’t get you where you want to be.
People seem to want to chase the latest “hack” (keto! fasting! detox teas!) while ignoring the simple yet boring foundations of good nutrition and lifestyle: balanced meals, adequate protein, a good amount of fruits and veggies, good sleep, daily movement, hydration, and consistency.
The Bottom Line
Fad diets love to sell you the illusion of quick results. But true progress comes from mastering the basics.
So…the next time a flashy new diet grabs your attention, ask yourself: Is this helping me lay a strong foundation, or is it just a distraction? Squirrel!